13 projects approved for NRP 81 "Baukultur"

© VBS/DDPS – Mike Niederhauser

The Swiss National Science Foundation has approved 13 projects for the National Research Programme "Baukultur" (NRP 81).

In early December 2024, the Research Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation decided to approve 13 projects for the National Research Programme "Baukultur" (NRP 81), as proposed by the Steering Committee. NRP 81 aims to improve our understanding of processes in the built environment. Specifically, the programme aims to link Baukultur with social and ecological transition and to establish new collaborations and strengthen existing ones with institutions and civil society.

The 13 projects that have now been selected show a wide variety of approaches to the research topic of "Baukultur". They span all language regions of Switzerland and cover various scales, from individual buildings to entire landscapes. The researchers are examining processes and developments in the different parts and infrastructures of today's dispersed urbanity: cities, peripheries and suburbs, as well as villages and rural areas. The inclusion of practice partners in the research projects – a special feature of NRP 81 – has made it possible to broaden the circle of stakeholders and participants significantly.

The Research Council's decision was based on a two-stage selection process. Firstly, in early summer 2024, the Steering Committee evaluated 81 pre-proposals. Twenty-six teams were then invited to submit a full proposal. Several written scientific reviews were obtained for each of the applications received, including experts from practice. Up to four reviews came from international experts, two from members of the Steering Committee. The 26 research teams were given the opportunity to present their projects to the Steering Committee.

NRP 81 has a global budget of CHF 10.6 million. The Steering Committee consists of Paola Viganò, EPF Lausanne and IUAV Venezia (President); Eugen Brühwiler, EPF Lausanne; Pierre Caye, ENS Ulm; Andri Gerber, ZHAW; Regula Lüscher, Die Stadtmacherin, former Senate Building Director and State Secretary for Urban Development of the City of Berlin; Jonathan Metzger, KTH Stockholm; Elli Mosayebi, ETH Zurich; Birgitta Schock, Vice President SIA; Irmi Seidl, WSL; Arjan van Timmeren, TU Delft.

List of the approved projects of NRP 81 (PDF)